angry man looking at phone after call from direct home buyers

Unsolicited Phone Calls from Direct Home Buyers

angry man looking at phone after call from direct home buyers

Have you ever received a phone call from someone claiming to be a “direct home buyer” who wants to buy your house? If you have, then you understand the frustration of getting constant calls from multiple companies giving the same explanation and they all seem to have the same name, Direct Home Buyers. This is not US Direct Home Buyers calling you. Our company does not engage in these practices.

Why Do I Keep Receiving Unsolicited Phone Calls from Direct Home Buyers?

The answer to this question has two parts. First, many direct home buyers rely on cold calls to reach potential customers. They search public records for owners of houses they are interested in. Cold calls are when solicitors call random people in an attempt to sell their product or service. This means that they don’t actually target specific individuals; instead, they just call anyone from their public record list. You may even be getting calls about a property you do not own.

Second, even if you try to opt-out of these cold calls by asking not to be contacted again, the salesperson may keep calling you—or worse yet, they may pass your contact information along to other companies for the same routine. This practice is known as “telemarket harvesting”, and is incredibly difficult for consumers to stop, continuing to receive these unwanted phone calls from shady investors.

senior man puzzled by annoying calls from direct home buyers

How Can I Stop These Annoying Unsolicited Phone Calls?

This is a challenge because most of them use numbers that are almost impossible to trace. They also tell you they are “direct home buyers” as if that is the name of their company. We get numerous calls every week asking us (US Direct Home Buyers) to take their name off our call list because they googled “direct home buyers” and we popped up, but it was not us calling them. We do not practice this form of marketing, so those calls are coming from a different company.

The best way to stop these unsolicited phone calls from “direct home buyers” is by understanding your rights as a consumer and taking action against telemarketers who ignore those rights. For example, if you receive a cold call from a bad actor claiming to be a “direct home buyer”, instruct them not to contact you again—and remind them that such harassment is illegal under U.S. law (the Telephone Consumer Protection Act). Most legit companies will automatically do this as soon as their recording equipment hears “Do Not Call”. In addition, consider keeping a list of specific numbers and filing an official complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You can also call the Attorney General in your state.

If you want to talk to one of the GOOD GUYS buying houses direct, call US Direct Home Buyers at (832) 662-2202.


Receiving unsolicited phone calls from unscrupulous companies can be incredibly frustrating and almost impossible to stop once and for all. Some purchase a robo-call blocker app for their phone, which blocks a large number of these calls. By understanding your rights as a consumer and taking action against telemarketers who ignore those rights, you can make a dent in getting relief. So don’t hesitate–take action today!

Of course, if you have a house to sell, enter your information on our website and we will give you a call in response to your request. We have a knowledgeable staff that is trained in helping you solve whatever problem you may be facing. We will never hassle you. And if you want to give us your experience, you may contact us.

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