5 Tips For Downsizing Your House In Austin

5 Tips For Downsizing Your House In Austin - old house made ​​of peat

Moving can be stressful, but downsizing your house is a smart way to save money that you can use elsewhere. To help you through the process, here are five actionable tips for downsizing your house in Austin: 

Use a Tape Measure

When downsizing your house, keep in mind that it’s not just about what furniture you want to keep, but also whether it will fit properly into your new space. A large sectional couch may seem like a good idea, but it would be terrible to move it into your new digs only to discover it’s ridiculously oversized. To avoid this, make sure your furniture can fit through doors, navigate hallways, and turn any corners on its way to its new home.

Hiring an interior designer may be the perfect solution if you’re uncertain about your skills. These professionals excel at maximizing your space and furniture to give you the best possible results. Plus, they can work with any budget, so you don’t have to break the bank. By connecting with an affordable designer in your area, you’ll get plenty of room for your belongings, and with their design expertise, your space will truly become your own.

Get Rid of Duplicates

When it comes to downsizing your house in Austin, organizing your belongings is key. Start by gathering similar objects to determine which items you may have an abundance of (cough kitchen utensils, anyone?). But don’t be too hasty – if wacky decorations are your jam, you might need those 12 extension cords; just keep the ones you’ll actually use in the near future.

Now, if you’re really going for an extreme downsize, you’ll need to part with some less sentimental objects. No need to fret, though – snap some pics of them and create a special album for those memories. It’s like having your cake (well, kind of), and eating it too!

Sell Your Stuff

Moving can be expensive, but selling unnecessary items can help increase funds. Consider hosting a garage sale or selling online through bulletin boards. Start early as finding buyers for specialty items may take time. Another option is a yard sale which can be a great way to sell things more quickly. Don’t forget to advertise it on online bulletin boards to reach potential customers beyond just your neighbors. With the extra money, you can tackle new landscaping, fresh paint or other decorative elements to make your new home feel like your own.

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Give Your Stuff Away

Are you looking to get rid of extra stuff? Giving it away could be the easiest and most rewarding solution! You have multiple options at your disposal. First, you could simply chuck out any old and worn-out items that you don’t need. Alternatively, you could put usable items at the curb with a sign that reads “free stuff”. Make sure to check Austin’s guidelines when leaving items curbside. If you’re tech-savvy, post a curb alert to your local online bulletin board! And finally, you could donate the items to your nearby thrift stores and help out a great cause!

By giving away your belongings, they’ll disappear instantly, saving you precious storage space and eliminating the hassle of trying to barter with anyone about pricing. And best of all: it feels incredibly freeing to declutter your home!

Fill Your New Space

To reduce hassle and chaos when moving homes, it’s advisable to have overlapping times between both places. During this period, you can make trips to your new home with items you’ll surely keep, ensuring they fit inside the intended spaces. Measure your new home and your furniture to ensure nothing goes to waste or underutilized. This way, you can make it a smooth transition without any extra stuff cluttering up your new serene space.

Call US Direct Home Buyers today at 832-990-9707 or send us a message to discuss these and other tips for downsizing your house in Austin.

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